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Hydroxyacid dehydrogenases are responsible for the conversion of 2-keto acids to 2-hydroxyacids and have a wide range of biotechnological applications. In this study, a D-lactate dehydrogenase (D-LDH) from a Sporolactobacillus inulinus strain was experimentally verified to have both the D-LDH and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activities (reversible deamination). The catalytic mechanism was demonstrated by identification of key residues from the crystal structure analysis and site-directed mutagenesis. The Arg234 and Gly79 residues of this enzyme play a significant role in both D-LDH and GDH activities. His295 and Phe298 in DLDH744 were identified to be key residues for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity only whereas Tyr101 is a unique residue that is critical for GDH activity. Characterization of the biochemical properties contributes to understanding of the catalytic mechanism of this novel D-lactate dehydrogenase enzyme.  相似文献   
以科尔沁沙地沙丘-草甸过渡带区域主要土地覆被类型为研究对象,以1987-2017年多时相Landsat TM/OLI遥感影像解译分类为基础,参考生态学植被演替研究方法,系统分析研究区30年来的土地利用/覆被动态演变规律,研究结果表明:(1)决策树法在复杂下垫面不同覆被类型的同步识别效果较好,所有影像分类精度均达到88%以上,分类效果较好,其中2017年分类精度最高为95.24%,达到了分类研究的要求;(2)研究区存在着"半灌丛-草甸地-灌丛"的植被结构特征,且整体表现为"南进北退"的变化趋势。结合土地利用动态度分析结果表明人类活动干涉下,研究区整体上遵循了半干旱区植被条件改善的一般规律,侧面反映该研究区域生态环境的持续不稳定性和脆弱性;(3)研究区覆被类型发生变化的总面积达到2623.59 hm2,总变化强度为63.76%。其中正向演替的比例为52.61%,以半灌丛面积的持续减小与沙地草甸面积的持续扩张为主要变化特征。但同时,半灌丛转为沙地的面积为184.95 hm2,表明以放牧为主的研究区同时发生着局部的逆行演变;(4)质心迁移结果反映了1987-2017年间,除人为影响较大的林地、草地以及耕地向北迁移外,其他植被类型的质心都有很明显的南迁,主要植被类型重心迁移距离依次由大到小为耕地 > 半灌丛 > 灌丛 > 沙地草甸 > 湿地草甸 > 林地。研究通过记录科尔沁沙地连续扩展的时空模式,展示了遥感-生态和时间序列影像在30 m分辨率下跟踪土地利用/覆被变化的潜力,为提高干旱半干旱区土地利用情况的动态监测效率,开展土地利用/覆被动态演变研究提供参考。  相似文献   
在田间条件下,二氯苯醚菊酯(以下简称“二氯”)在茶树新梢上降解缓慢,渗透性弱,在叶表始终保持较高的比例。以原始附着量计算,10%“二氯”3000倍液在茶树鲜叶上的半衰期为0.85天,在成茶中的半衰期为2.8天。反式异构体的降解速度高于顺式。在相同施药剂量条件下,超低容量喷雾的残留量比常量喷雾高85%左右。 由于“二氯”的蒸气压低,因此鲜叶中的“二氯”残留量在加工过程中降解率较低,平均45.2%;由于“二氯”水溶性弱,在泡茶过程中只有3.9—4.7%进入茶汤。 通过室内和田间试验,认为“二氯”是一种适于在茶叶生产中推广应用的优良农药品种。建议茶叶中“二氯”的允许残留标准暂定为3ppm,茶树喷施10%“二氯”5000—6000倍液后的安全间隔期为3天。  相似文献   
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), a subclass of cancers of the neck and head, is a predominant cause of cancer-associated death worldwide. Hence, there is a critical need for research into NPC-related treatment strategies. Cisplatin is a promising therapy option for NPCs and other cancers that is frequently utilized. Some patients acquire resistance to cisplatin therapy, which complicates the successful use of cisplatin treatment in NPCs. Although exosomal transfer of oncogenic miRNAs has been shown to improve recipient cell proliferation, metastasis and chemoresistance, the molecular mechanism behind this effect on NPC has yet to be fully understood. Exosomal microRNAs (miRNAs) from cisplatin-resistant cells were identified as significant mediators of chemoresistance in NPC cells in this investigation. Initially, we found that exosomal miR-106a-5p levels in the serum of chemoresistant and last-cycle patients were greater than in that of non-resistant and first-cycle patients. Also, exosomal miR-106a-5p enhanced the proliferative ability of NPC cells. Mechanistically, exosomal miR-106a-5p targets ARNT2, which further activates AKT phosphorylation, and thus promotes NPC cell proliferation, decreases apoptosis and in turn regulates tumorigenesis. We found similar results using in vivo NPC models, where exosomal miR-106a-5p through regulation of ARNT2 (aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2) promoted tumorigenesis. Taken together, these findings indicate that exosomal miR-106a-5p could be a promising diagnostic biomarker and drug target for patients with NPC.  相似文献   
冯思远  赵文武  华廷  王涵 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7955-7964
“SDGs加速行动”是国际组织、政府部门、私营机构和其他利益攸关方为加快落实2030年可持续发展议程采取的全球行动。2019年联合国可持续发展目标峰会后,政府、国际组织、私营部门等提出了214项SDGs加速行动。2019年爆发的新型冠状病毒肺炎(Corona Virus Disease 2019,COVID-19)对实现可持续发展目标带来了系列影响,后疫情时代如何推动全球SDGs加速行动的实施成为重要的问题。对可持续发展评估报告(2019)和可持续发展目标加速行动等政策文件进行信息提取,建立加速行动匹配性指数模型和各国应对新冠疫情的恢复力指数模型,根据匹配性-恢复力分类体系将各国按照17项可持续发展目标分为9类,为推动后疫情时代全球可持续发展目标加速行动提供支撑。研究发现:(1)现有可持续发展目标加速行动的实施与区域需求不匹配,且这种不匹配的情况在COVID-19爆发前已经出现;(2)加速行动的实施受限于现有可持续发展水平和国家经济基础,区域关注的可持续发展目标与其自然地理位置和社会发展水平有着密切的关系,多边组织机构和其他利益攸关方需要在发展中国家大力推动可持续发展加速行动;(3)下一步实施加速行动需要加强国际间的合作,根据分类框架和可持续发展目标的关联关系,分重点推进加速行动的实施,完善可持续发展指标监测体系,分类设立后疫情时代不同时期的阶段目标,分阶段循序渐进,定期反馈追踪,以在2030年促进17项可持续目标的实现。  相似文献   
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